Small Decisions, Big Impact

It’s Monday morning, 5:00AM, iPhone built-in alarm has been “snoozed” 3 times so far since the first buzz at 4:30AM. You do the math. In the next minute I will make the most important decision of my day ….
A) Do I get up now? 
B) Do I snooze for another few 10 minute rounds of hazy, half-sleep, laziness and risk losing out on the most productive hour and a half of my day?
C) Do I just say the hell with it, call in and sleep late?

I choose A. I trek across the house over to the altar of caffeinated divinity ($35 dollar coffee maker from Target) and pour myself a cup of joe ($12 dollar pound of Ruta Maya dark roast). I put a little brown sugar and cream in, then waddle over to the couch and take a sip …. aaaaaaah! I am the only soul out of five awake at 25333 Nighthawk and I’m starting to envision a caffeine infused morning of meditation, inspiration, catching up on e-mails and the illusion of having complete control of my day (at least for the next hour). These few moments alone with my dark, bitter yet sweet idea potion will get me prepped for my next move, when the really big ideas start to come… The shower! Yeah, all the game changers come as I’m standing completely vulnerable, no earthly possessions attached with a stream of hot water smoking ideas out of my head one by one. They come fast and dissipate even faster, they are brilliant and powerful yet elusive as a cat that doesn’t want to be pet. I usually catch one or two of these idea puffs and continue the process during my commute into the city for work. For now, I’m ready to step into this day full court press. I’m out of the shower now, all dressed up for work, kids are loaded on bus, wife kissed Good bye and I’m ready to change the world. It is in a moment of complete clarity that I realize and appreciate the decision I made to get up this morning and how sometimes it is the small decisions that are the most important ones we make. Good Morning!!!

– Bluescoder#earlyRiser #morningJoe #ownThisDay

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